Peru finds itself in turmoil after the unsanctioned removal of two enigmatic specimens from its territory.

The reporter responsible for unearthing this remarkable discovery dispatched the specimens to a laboratory in Mexico. This week, the laboratory’s findings have confirmed that these specimens do not belong to the human species.

Mexican scientists, conducting a battery of tests on the peculiar specimens at the Nur Clinic, aired the entire procedure live on the YouTube channel of journalist and UFO researcher Jaime Maussan.

Scientist’s Pronouncement Establishes Non-Human Origin
During the examinations, Jose Salsa Benita, the director of the Health Sciences Research Institute at the Mexican Ministry of the Navy, made a groundbreaking declaration. He affirmed that the study definitively established the non-human origin of these specimens. Notably, one of the specimens displayed unusual abdominal protrusions, indicative of a potential pregnancy.

Benita confirmed that the specimens bore no resemblance to humans. The initial findings, originally disclosed in Peru back in 2017, revealed entities characterized by elongated skulls and three-fingered hands. Maussan also pointed out their unique skeletal structure, featuring lightweight yet robust bones and an absence of teeth.

Furthermore, nearly one-third of their DNA remains categorized as “unknown,” hinting at a non-terrestrial biological lineage.

Maussan suggested that this marks the first-ever public display of evidence pertaining to extraterrestrial life.

Independent Researcher Calls for External Validation

Nevertheless, a considerable degree of skepticism surrounds these claims.

Professor Brian Cox has joined the chorus of skeptics, calling for an independent verification by sending a sample to the biotechnology company 23andMe. Cox argued that it is highly improbable for an intelligent species originating from another celestial body to bear any resemblance to humans.

In the midst of ongoing investigations and testing in Mexico, Peruvian authorities are incensed over the journalist’s removal of pre-Hispanic artifacts without their consent. Consequently, a criminal inquiry has been launched against the journalist.

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