According to a psychology expert, the recent revelation by NASA regarding the potential existence of aliens could have profound implications on our understanding of reality. Dr. Malcolm Schofield, a lecturer in psychology at Derby University, spoke exclusively to the Daily Star following NASA’s release of a report on UFO/UAP sightings. While the report didn’t provide the long-awaited confirmation of alien existence, Dr. Schofield discussed the concept of “ontological shock,” a term related to the nature of reality. He noted that such a significant revelation could lead many people to question their fundamental beliefs and the broader societal implications.

The NASA report, spanning 33 pages and authored by 16 experts, did not definitively affirm the existence of aliens. However, it did open the door to the possibility of extraterrestrial phenomena. Towards the end of the report, a noteworthy statement read, “At this point, there is no reason to conclude that existing UAP reports have an extraterrestrial source. However, if we acknowledge that as one possibility, then those objects must have traveled through our solar system to get hereā€¦ if we recognize the plausibility of any of these, then we should recognize that all are at least plausible.”

During a press conference following the report’s release, NASA emphasized the importance of involving the general public in reporting potential sightings and reducing the stigma associated with admitting to witnessing unidentified aerial phenomena or possible encounters with aliens.

Dr. Schofield pointed out that the world has been gradually moving toward greater acceptance of the possibility of life on other planets, even though the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life remains a topic of debate. He reflected on the significant progress made in this area over the decades, from the 1970s when the idea of Senate hearings and NASA reports on such matters seemed unimaginable.

Regarding his personal beliefs, Dr. Schofield shared that he believes “there is something out there” but remains uncertain about its level of intelligence.

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