Girls, thank you very much for being with us. Mr. Bernet. We are accompanied by Enrique Jaime Kolbeck Vergara, traffic controller. Thank you very much for being with us, Mr. Colbert. Likewise, Mr. Michel Vaillant of the Hey PAN unit for the National Center for Special Studies, studies the understanding of unidentified anomalous aerospace phenomena. Thank you so much. Welcome to you. Likewise, we have the presence of maestro Mariano Tello Nocetti, director of the Inai society attention center. Thank you very much, welcome to you, teacher. Likewise, we want to greet and thank you for your presence. From the deputies who accompany us from the rest of the speakers who will present their presentations to us throughout this afternoon. Likewise, from the people who are with us this day, as well as those who are following this presentation through the different media. To welcome us to this public hearing. Since today does not meet, we will listen to the words of deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, please, deputy. Do you remain in the use of the word?
Good afternoon. Welcome welcome those who join us today. From places as remote as Japan, Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Peru. Of course, Mexico. The Chamber of Deputies is the House of the People. Here all opinions of all people are heard. For a while now. Don Jaime Maussan, renowned journalist and researcher, approached us to explain. To tell us about the significance of the phenomenon that he has been investigating for so long. And also to tell us that in other countries like the United States. The Governments, Casablanca, Congress, the Pentagon. He has had. Some events that lead to the idea of giving another dimension to this phenomenon of anomalous objects. For this reason, we decided to open this public hearing today for everyone, where opinions will be heard and obvious elements will be discussed. Which has sparked great, great, great, great interest. In the public. Today there are people here interested in listening to what the speakers have to tell us, some are out here, others were left wanting to be able to access. Unfortunately space is limited, but we will be watching it live here. Live, what? I tell everyone. In the Chamber of Deputies, respect for the opinions and ideas of all prevails and always prevails. We respect your opinions and we want to listen to you. With that openness and plurality that exists here, Jaime is an outstanding Mexican and recognized by many people who have investigated this phenomenon for so long. And as such we welcome you here, thank you for making this event possible for those who are interested in the topic. Welcome all and all. Open a match. In the sense that For the First Time an instance of public power in Mexico, the Chamber of Deputies. Hold a public hearing to hear first-hand from those who have had experiences of this type. To those who have dedicated themselves to researching this topic and also to politicians from other latitudes, such as the congressman from Japan who is here with us today from Japan, I ask for a round of applause, please. Well without further ado. I would like to give the floor to Mr. Jaime Maussan, who will also help us in the conduct and direction of today’s event. Congratulations, welcome all. Jaime Amazon asks me, asks me to make 111 symbolic request here we will listen to the opinions that everyone has to dress them, the sayings, the evidence, the personal experiences and Jaime makes me emphasize the importance that it would have for many people to ask everyone and to all who demonstrate by promising, swearing if they can stand up. If you can. Swear to tell the truth. In this instance of the legislative power they promise to tell the truth about everything that is heard here today in that instance, the legislative power.
Many thanks to Deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna for this opening, without a doubt, a historic event that will be remembered. For the times to come in Mexico. Here it starts. A watershed in history. On 07/26/2023. The world, stunned, listened to the testimony of 3 officers of the United States armed forces. David Brush, David Freiberg and Ryan Graves, who is present in this room, revealed to the world their experiences with technologies that greatly surpassed that of their warplanes. Technology that they considered does not exist on this planet. While David Cruz went further and revealed that the United States is in possession of vessels and biological remains of non-human origin, United States congressmen insisted time and again that the people of the United States had the right to know the TRUE. Until today, the Pentagon of the American Union has not allowed
to deepen the investigations and in fact, wants to cancel any possibility of holding new public hearings in the United States Congress. That same afternoon, in a press conference, Casablanca admitted that the number of reports about the presence of an unidentified anomalous phenomenon on military bases and in places where military exercises are carried out has increased. Well, on July 27, a law signed by both parties was published in the States, called controlled declassification, which establishes that by 2024 the public will have to be prepared to accept the presence of non-human entities in our world. According to this controlled declassification law, it will be considered non-human intelligence. And I quote verbatim any non-human, intelligent and sentient form of life, regardless of nature or origin that may be responsible for anomalous phenomena not identified or of which the Federal Government of the United States has had. I met. Quito, the unidentified anomalous term according to the controlled declassification law, which will be signed by President Joe Biden and will take effect beginning in 2024. And I quote, means any object that operates or is considered capable of overcome, operate in outer space, the atmosphere, the oceanic or underwater surface. The law establishes the creation of citizen committees that will be appointed by the President and that will be in charge of carrying out investigations in relation to the unidentified anomalous phenomenon. In a statement from the United States Capitol, through Chuck Summer, leader of the Senate, it states that the public has the right to learn about technology of unknown origins, non-human intelligence and unexplained phenomena. It is important to consider that this law and the public hearings held in the United States Congress have had bipartisan support, that is, we are faced with an issue that unites us, not separates us. In Mexico, this issue should not be considered the issue of a political party either, it is an issue of humanity. A topic that should unite us and not separate us. In Mexico on 03/05/2004, a C 26 a plane of the Mexican Air Force, using an infrared flow camera that at that time was exclusive to the army, was able to capture the image of 11 unidentified anomalous objects. This video was the first of its kind released by the air force of a country, it was given to me by the Secretary of Defense, Ricardo Clemente Vega. He said, the anomalous objects were not visible to the naked eye with the Camera alone. It was the first time that an event of objects invisible to the eye was recorded. The plane was 160 km from the coast. Let’s remember.
Is here.
Born with.
It is heading 2813 and.
334 speed.
It is the angle of the right pir. I also invite you to us, that’s how it is. At 7, at the same height. There are some real doubles there. About 7:08 from the opposition. The strange thing is that he has a lead in front of Burgos. Point forward, Ah, . In this. There was another. Let’s see, let’s see what we have now, sir? Let’s see, allow me, leave it, I’ll find you some minutes. What is that, what distance more or less? Did you have it Téllez, huh? Hey, would you have liked it? I went like Ivanov. Panama follows further back 11011 objects down or up or up down, 1234567. Oh man, it’s not 8.
In the middle of the measurement.
What atrocities. They’re going to look good there, then. They were going at a speed, but. 12345678.
And Foquito Andrea Ruiz above.
On the screen. Take care of it, they don’t close it. They are at the same level as this Andean affirmative tellez. 891011 counting the entire queue, 246810. OK, we don’t know what we are seeing, they are just some brighter objects that come at the same height as us. First, we don’t want to know how far. Young people, we are not alone, we are not alone, EH? Yes, what a strange thing, huh?
That the Mexican airspace navigation service, CM, declared this September 7 that the luminous objects that periodically appear off the Mexican coasts of Rosarito, Tijuana and San Diego in the United States are not flares, nor planes or drones. or something that can be identified. That is to say, it is an unidentified anomalous phenomenon, thus recognizing the reality of this phenomenon that frequently occurs in Mexico and other countries, as evidenced by countless video evidence generated by different witnesses. This is a phenomenon that occurs regularly 2 or 3 times a year. People are already waiting for it, there is no explanation, they are not drones, they are not flares, it is nothing known and normally, after this presence is concluded, United States security planes arrive to circle around. Here we have an object taken with a telescope where you can see its core and the energy it produces around it. The service is sorry, it is transcendental to recognize this
s phenomena in Mexico, making our country one of the first in the world to accept the presence of non-humans on our planet is inevitable. It’s inevitable, sooner or later we will have to do it here. The opportunity to make an amendment to the Mexican airspace protection law to recognize the unidentified anomalous phenomenon in our universe of trillions of galaxies. According to the latest astronomical calculations, each galaxy has an average of 100 billion stars. Each star has on average at least 1 planet. For this reason, it has been considered that our universe could be formed. Listen for 100 sextillion planets, a number that is difficult to understand. However, the possibilities of life, even intelligent ones, exist are indisputable. However, it is difficult for science to accept that intelligent life can move. From one world to another. Because the distances are very great, at least they are for us, we do not know if other intelligences have managed to find other paths. If they had done so, they would open up the opportunity for humanity to find those paths to reach other worlds in the future. The future for our children could be extraordinary and we have the courage to accept that we are being visited by non-human intelligences that come to Earth from the depths of the universe. The winds of change are not blowing, humanity finds itself at a turning point in history. Recognize that there are other non-human intelligences in our world. Integrate into the concert of the intelligent universe or continue in a dangerous isolation that could lead us towards a true crisis of our civilization. The decision is in our hands, exploration and discovery have always driven progress. And the evolution of humanity. Now with the ability to interact and learn from other forms of life, we can expand our reach, expand our knowledge, and find solutions to the challenges facing humanity. We are not alone in this vast universe and by embracing this reality, we can move towards a destiny that will take us to the depths of the cosmos. Thank you so much. It is not according to the. This one, avi loeb, the next. OK, now we have Avi Loeb, master in astrophysics, director of the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University. Who is going to send us a message from his home there from his office? Don’t know. From the University, from the city of Boston, go ahead, please, Avi.
Thank you so much and thank you.
Thanks thanks.
It IS a great privilege.
It is a great privilege to be here with you at this historic event.
I’m fine. In the I want to make comments before.
And I wanted to make 2 comments before showing some pictures. First, it is arrogant of us to think that we are alone and second.
I START. In I know that anything that from far away.
Everything that comes from a very far away place. No, it does not adhere to national borders, that is, they probably began their journey before human beings arrived. That is why it is knowledge that must be shared with all humans on Earth and speaking of science, let me share some pictures, from Harvard University about the Galileo project.
In Darfur. With you.
It is a group of scientists.
Starting the position of Technological objects that.
Committed to. In the search for and production of.
He is loyal. Tic Method.
Of products.
Uh-huh, ah, in.
Created by humans with extraterrestrial technology. And here, well, we are looking for phenomena.

Ana identified and Systematic. Goodbye Chance and Witness Said Something.
And all based on.
Gives us. Your own is in place.
In eyewitnesses who were in the place at the time and who are looking at the sky all the time.
And third, mainly in.
With with a set of instruments, and. And with and with everything they are seeing, they are analyzing and with the software of the machines what they are seeing are the components of the observatory that is currently working at Harvard University and we are looking at the sky with infrared cameras. We are covering the entire sky within the optical band and the radio band.
Right now yes. The name of University we were looking for. February 15 cameras. Michael’s acoustics, he says.
And we also have an acoustic microphone to listen to the sky and we also measure the weather so that it can help us interpret what we see. All of that is now working and collecting data and we are planning to make copies of these from this observatory in many places.
Ah, between 8. Interpreters, in of that is now working in collecting data in your fanning. Me copies of the observatory. The mainstream.
This gets to the heart of science.
You from.
This is what we are talking about regarding the reports that have been presented by people of intelligence.
ence military and that are within the nature of these events and how to respond to them in my interest as an astronomer, identify a flying object with the Hawaii telescope on October 10 on October 17. In up to 6 years, the.
Only system only the fast.
His object was the first to be reported to have come from outside the Solar System.
You COPS Object.
So astronomers have been observing objects that come from outside our Solar System. The first object reported was called omoa, which means in the Hawaiian language.
Ah, him.
That’s it’s very, it’s basically flat, based on the reflection in the the wording of the sun is the.
Like the best model.
It is the best model we have, it is as if it were a package.
Maybe that object.
And it was thrown out of the sun by a force, a mysterious force, without evaporation, without dust or gas it is an object. Very thin, powered by sunlight and for us it is impossible to imagine.
As an actress and can you imagine?
An object that can navigate in this way. Since then we have discovered other objects that were detected by the United States Government satellites and that was a 1 and a half M object that collided with the Earth in 2014. It exploded in the atmosphere at the height of oceanography. And we realized that it was moving very fast, even outside the Solar System it was moving. At 95% faster than the rest of the stars, and it was also made of an extremely strong material, because. It had everything to enter the Earth’s atmosphere. We are talking about other civilizations because we imagine. Something that can travel through the Solar System and can run into a problem with a planet like the. It will be a meteor of unusual material and unusual speed. And in June 23 we see that there are 3 flares that emerged from the ball as a result of entering the atmosphere. It is a sample. Than this object. Everything and everyone that was collected by NASA in the last decade. It was either an iron meteorite OO. So we went on an expedition in June of this year. You will see the team of 28 people on the deck of the silver stars ship and we use it. We used the magnets on the side of the ship to collect all the metallic objects that were 2 km deep in the Pacific Ocean. Here you can see.
Well I told you. The show.
Photographs of the sleigh that we used impressively after having gone up and down the Meteor region 26 times. Well, we were able to recon. Be 700.
Marcos message. Oh you.
Metallic marbles from when this object was exposed to the fire that surrounded it due to friction with the air of the planet, you will see how these summery metallic nuggets the size of about 1 mm.
In what. Rain Down.
This was, there were multiple of them that fell to the.
Where night.
Al to the sea floor derived from the explosion and these are some of these small Ah marbles that we found at the site. At the ship site and when we put them all together we had 700 that we could identify.
Then with the Cinema.
So we study them in a in this spectrometer that you can see in front of my student and Stryker are. A professor of geochemistry at Harvard University and inside these spheres we find smaller spheres. These electron microscope images show that there are smaller spheres. This one, for example, looks like a soccer ball and this was the fusion of 3 spheres.
They sell a poor politician.
And then they solidified before becoming round. And here what we made was a map. Where were most of the spheres found and identified? 3 regions where we found the majority of the spheres, the Department of Defense and identified this this red box as the site of the explosion and the. Square in the yellow regions is where the meteor that is in orange passed through. These are responsible for the 3:00 fireball flares. Now we can identify the composition of those spheres that were in the region of the meteor and we found something fascinating.
Where special.
So look.
Than some elements. There were hundreds of times materials we hadn’t seen here before, like beryllium lance non.
Sensor system material.
And it was already a lot, 100 times more abundant in the spheres. That in any material that could come from Earth or the Solar System.
Pelao, with.
Call. We call it the belau, belisarius, Langton and Uranium composition. This composition was the one we found along the entire route that the meteor took and thus we demonstrated that this came from outside the Solar System because it did not resemble what we found on Earth, Mars or asteroids.
Very bad.
And we also see the volatility of these elements. These items were lost as a result of the explosion. They are still lost.
Real mixup.
So we deduce that this comes from an explosion that is. For this reason, why we associate it with
context of this meteorite, so all together this is a very exciting adventure and the next and next step is to go to that region and look for larger pieces that can tell us if this object was natural, like a stone or.
Oh, oh baby.
Maybe it had a technological origin because a technological object is.
Hey, Ah, what technological things, right? You say, right?
It may have button balls. So we are currently planning another expedition in the next year to look for the materials of this object that are of unusual strength and unusual speed as far as the stones that we know of in this Solar System are concerned and we hope that within 1 year let’s know more Of course, there is also some discussion because it talks about the Government of the.
Leave my life. In it. Where were you in de.
The United States already has these materials, this was discussed. In the House of Representatives, one of the witnesses, David Ratchet, says that there are programs about reverse engineering that he means.
They offer Allianz.
I know that a technology is made from alien ships, but no, no, we have not seen this, but it will be of great scientific value if the Government can release that material or at least information. Then scientists like me could help them.
Are you here.
In it.
To say that it means because any information about objects that come from outside the Solar System must be shared with all human beings, just as it is not the privilege of any Government to keep information away from the public, because it has nothing to do with national security. It’s something that came to Earth from this, a very far away place and we want to.
The scientific way. The Guey.
No no.
Let’s see if we have a very distant neighbor, because that could inspire us to explore space and it could teach us about new technologies, technologies of the future that we don’t yet possess. So, in the next year and years to come we will learn a lot more about these anomalous and unidentified phenomena, which they are.
Oh man. Yes I have.
Like what we have seen developed at Harvard University. But also like this meteor that I have described and surely in the next year or years we will do it, so this is my message, so let’s bring up this topic.
Do you get Disney input? In other light.
To the attention of science and that not only the Government wants to tell us the information it wants and but that the Government shares its information because that is going to.
Of you.
And with that.
Yes, in the of. There are not any.
Vitally important to progress because this topic is of great interest to the public and we are going to decipher which of these objects is going to give us a new perspective about our place in the universe. Thank you so much.
And to be together.
Open radio. They see limits.
Thank you thank you, Dr. Loeb. Young and Incredible. Application to humanity by starting this phenomenon. Colin. Other things to do it. Thank you. I am thanking Dr. Loeb. By trying to incorporate this matter into science, we call on other scientists to join in being able to give this truth to humanity together. Well, now I’m going to introduce the director of Inai. To Mr. Mariano Tello, who appears on behalf of Dr. Julieta del Río Venegas, who, due to work reasons, María could not be here.
Good afternoon everyone. On behalf of the Commission, nothing from the inai, Norma Julieta del Río Venegas, I extend a cordial greeting and an apology, since due to force majeure she could not accompany us in this venue. I greet the personalities who are with us today, the audience who is present here and all those who are following us through social networks. We find ourselves today in what will be a historic moment. At the invitation of Mr. Maussan, we are here to testify, in this case, about how access to information and transparency can affect different issues. The universality of the right of access to information implies that all people, regardless of their origin, gender, orientation, religion, socioeconomic condition, have the inherent right to seek, receive and disseminate information. This principle recognizes the importance of ensuring that all voices have the opportunity to be heard and that no one is excluded from the public sphere. One of the maxims that we promote at INEGI is that the right to know is for everyone. That is why within the framework of this meeting I want to share with you a special case. On 03/29/2022, an email was received in the institutional account of the society service center, where I am director, in which a person exercised their right to petition and in which they made various queries, the main one being the following. Number one that informs the subscriber
It is a department of the federal public administration that is responsible for attending to, investigating and reporting on unidentified aerial phenomena or sightings by pilots of the Mexican Navy or Air Force and reports from civilians regarding unidentified flying objects that present advanced technology. with movements that defy the laws of physics as we know it. Among other questions that are real. This was the first time that any of the CAS advisors received a query that dealt with this topic. But with the experience of the staff, they knew which agencies to enlist so that they could provide information on the matter. For this reason, a response was provided in which it was suggested that the individual exercise his or her right of access to information before the institutions that, due to their functions and powers, could safeguard information. Regarding knowing that it could be the Mexican Space Agency, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate of the Republic, the Secretariat of the Navy, the Secretariat of National Defense, who in turn referred to the services to navigation in space Mexican air. The case reported the requirements for submitting requests, means, deadlines for attention, as well as the non-compliance procedure in case there was a lack of response. And it should be noted that the society service center was unaware until that moment that the consulting person was a collaborator of the ufologist Jaime Maussan. It was not until 10/11/2022 that we learned through the Twitter account of Jaime Maussan, who made public his congratulations to Inai for the extensive response and congratulating them for the opening of the topic. But the work did not stop there, we made contact to hold a work meeting on Monday, November 14 of last year between the third millennium holder and our servant, Commissioner Norma Julieta del Río Venegas, where activities were agreed upon to be carried out. would be carried out in order to strengthen the team of journalists and researchers on issues of access to information and the benefits of the National Trans Platform. Later, on November 24, we held a practical workshop on requests and review resources with the staff, in addition to resolving some doubts about how to present the requests and make them clear and precise. Finally, in the request 330028522001209 presented by your team, airspace navigation services provided a specific response to number 6 where it is requested. You will have documents such as reports, emails, reports, logs, as well as videos and audio reports among your general files. Any similar information about sightings with unidentified flying objects or of unknown origin, to which the cm responded. You are informed that to answer question 6, an exhaustive and reasonable search was carried out regarding the issue of flying objects. Doesn’t it identify? Finding the recording transcript from May 1975, where you can read that the pilot reported to the control tower the presence of strange objects flying over his aircraft. This is an example of the exercise of the access to information law and how information protected by it can be obtained. The right of access to information is for everyone, so much so that of the 1,011 requests for information that have been presented since 2003 to date on topics related to the fanny phenomenon, the General Directorate of Attention to the Plenary Session has a record of 94 resources of review, 93 already voted on and one in substantiation, with 2021 being the year with the highest number, with 26, with 6 falling on the Commission’s presentation. Nothing, juli. The one with the river. The topics of these 93 cases were 58 about Mexican airspace, 19 about unidentified flying objects, 15 about navigation services in Mexican airspace and one about extraterrestrials. With this collaboration we want to highlight that everyone has the right to ask about the smallest detail of what is taking place in governments, public institutions and agencies, autonomous bodies, States and municipalities. And if you have questions about how to make requests, the inai has the society service center, the specialized area to support all people in making their requests. Since 2015, in the case we have provided more than 471,000 advice and in 2022 alone we broke a historical record, providing 72,000 personalized advice. On a daily basis, we respond to more than 400 queries. Today more than ever, this right is important, since we are living in History moments. Just to mention one of the latest, the hearing in the Congress of the United States of America, where on July 26 retired military personnel testified about the unidentified aerial phenomenon, among them Ryan Graves, former
pilot of the United States Air Force, who is with us today in the framework of this public hearing on the legislation of unidentified anomalous phenomena. I have nothing left but to wish this session success, which I am sure will be productive and will mark history in our country. In the INEGI you will always have an ally who will ensure that the information is delivered. Thanks a lot.
Well, now if you allow me. Let’s go precisely with Ryan Graves. The pilot, United States Navy Lt. That he became famous in the United States after. Give testimony of him on July 26. As you know, what happened there was historic. Yel narrated and surely will now. What were his encounters with these objects like? That technologically they surpassed him in the air. And I think it’s going to be very interesting because it’s a first-hand source. A man of great credibility who is really helping to make history, not only in the United States, but also now in Mexico and surely later in many places around the world. He now has an organization of pilots and there is a call for them to join his cause. And that all the pilots can give testimony, certainty, certainty and evidence to this extraordinary phenomenon. Please Ryan serious.
Greetings, thank you coming.
Thank you for coming to this public complaint for this issue that has been so stigmatized. Talking about unidentified abnormal phenomena. UPO, Fanny, we have very little of them thanks to efforts like today’s, we are beginning to see the change.
The sorrow.
My name is Ryan, I am a former F 18 pilot in the American military.
Well then.
And we. And we have investigated this phenomenon as military pilots. Now there are 3 issues that draw our attention, first pilots who. Who have been witnesses, we need our experience.
Not like a.
And pilots like me and others have shared experiences about this research, but pilots are afraid to share their story. 2 pairs to understand these phenomena you have to collect information.
I tell him.
Admin Beach Wear.
Because all phenomena in airspace are reported, they are not isolated, they are routine for both military and commercial pilots. Which these phenomena are recognized and reported officially sometimes and 3 investigating these phenomena, investigating, investigating these phenomena is really important, especially if the pilots can share their reports.
Yes, no, it’s not there. It’s where you dance.
We also collect a lot of the data that solves these mysteries and this is also a global phenomenon and collaboration is important, there is. It is important to keep all the information to understand this phenomenon. If we do not do it this way, if we do not do it with global cooperation, it will not be possible to understand them. My story in 2014 we went in my squadron the rippers in the Oceana part of Virginia Beach, in our radar system we began to detect unidentified objects on our radar. At first we thought they were something else, but when we were able to verify that they were with those systems and the infrared systems. We couldn’t verify his identity. In it. In the toilet. 72 in Virginia Beach, the objects were described as an object inside a dark cube and inside a circle.
Here you know? We have written and Click.
And they were 75 feet in diameter. And the instruction was to return to the base, but there was no official knowledge of this phenomenon and nothing was said either. We were able to make different reports and different traces to be able to have an understanding. Eh, we saw how the hurricanes also impacted our, our jets and many of these impacted the East Coast.
Xfinity violetta to read to have.
And many of these phenomena remained unknown. I believe that Americans deserve our safe airspace. Our interest is to remove the stigmas and reveal the information. I am proud and honored that over 10,000 people have joined us. Anyone can join. I’m sure this is just beginning. In July, after he testifies before the United States Congress. And before other witnesses of these phenomena. These phenomena were reported and we saw the absence of a safe process. And many of the attendees shared their accounts and we also talked on a case-by-case basis, depending on the interests of the witnesses and in case of policies, for the investigation to be possible, we had to speak with members of Congress and also with their staff to be able to achieve resolutions that would allow us to investigate these phenomena. Also they. Commercial pilots have. They are vitally important, they have years of experience and they fly about that four 35000 ft. They also injured objects.
They also did unusual maneuvers such as turns. And that one. And went. Unusual sightings. In many of them they were looking. Easy explanations we are looking for we are looking for how to explain it. But but but the Government, the government has information that is reported and has not been evaluated and we have to learn from it.
I changed him. The guy. Baptisms in Seeing this.
Self-witnesses are veteran witnesses who have seen this phenomenon in their ships. There are many. Many witnesses, many witnesses have documented and have been evaluated by the United States Government, but the United States military must do more about reporting these phenomena. Last year there were more than 10,000. And this last year meant many reports that have been collected and we have many witnesses who were attached to the reporting mechanisms.
Well it’s ours. Well no.
Just that, we’re just scratching the surface now because there are a lot of witnesses who want to cooperate. Safe reporting is vital to revealing the truth. And government leaders should also talk about this in organizations like the one Mexico can learn from. What they must learn first at the most fundamental level is that data collection cannot be underestimated because there are many . There are many cases reported in the United States and. So many more in the United States. This is also a challenge. Because it is a scientific opportunity, because there is a delicate balance as to who is responsible for this information. The US military wants to keep this a secret and despite the 2023 legislation, the President is in charge. He does not want to reveal indefinitely these these files. Therefore, there are many academic nonprofit organizations. What do they want to participate in? I am happy to be in charge of this project and that is why we also have Stanford University, the Galileo project at Harvard and different. And different sectors of society that want to understand this phenomenon. In closing, I recognize the skepticism about this topic.
I throw myself.
But the important thing is to evaluate.
Luthier, Julian.
And understand this data. We all must learn from the phenomena that occur in each of the places and I hope that more Mexican pilots share their reports and do so seriously. The pilots are highly trained to observe the skies. If you see my account, I hope that you, along with other pilots, make these reports because.
Reasons, Chicago. Son was in the.
I wrote.
Because we represent aerospace safety and I also believe that scientific search and research.
There, please.
We can we can find a solution to this system to this. To this dilemma, thank you.
Ryan Giggs’ testimony is undoubtedly extraordinary. We are talking about a first-hand witness. Which is how he stated on the 60 Minutes show. He saw these objects every day. And every day somewhere in the world a sighting occurs and I can testify to it. Since we receive. Evidence that we present daily in a newscast that we have on the channel. 9, showing that the activity is very intense and that it has intensified even more in recent months. We do not doubt that soon it will be even clearer and closer. We are living in extraordinary times, now I want to introduce Lieutenant Robert Salas. He, by the way, is Tatara Tatara Tatara, grandson of a Mexican president. And he was in charge of one. From a site where there were nuclear missiles. In the state of Montana in 1967 and he is going to tell you what happened, demonstrating that there is an intrinsic relationship between these objects and the nuclear activity of our planet. If we realize in 1945. The objects reached the Los Alamos nuclear plant, where 3 of them crashed, rather they were shot down by micro radars. Demonstrating that that is his interest. Recently the United States released a world map where 3 of the most visited places for these objects in the world are Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima. 3 places where there are remnants of nuclear energy. Obviously, the concern of these intelligences is there, in our ability to destroy them, let’s say then, welcome to Robert Salas, a great friend and a. First-class witness.
Thanks Jaime. First of all, I want to express my gratitude for this opportunity. To talk. Here in Mexico, in the Land of my ancestors.
Or it’s a real honor. Talking about this topic is not about unidentified aerial phenomena and core weapons. Thank you, Deputy Luna and legislators like you. As a result of this request. We collect your information from the Government. And we are going to present these these documents in January of 1996. I think we have a copy, but it is not being shown
or on the screen right now, but I’m going to refer to this and I’m going to mention.
I mean, prefect. Let’s see what it is about.
Some things. This is this from the strategic flight of ECO Flight.
Okay. Well kisses.
These phenomena were seen with a difference of 10 seconds each. It happened on the morning of March 16, 1967.
Is he. Should we tell him, you know?
And this, well, made us return to strategic allergies. As a cause of the incident. An investigation was conducted.
Where no conclusion was reached, the indications were that the two computers and control systems were momentarily saturated.
But. Influence on forests in control system.
YY EH. The reason for this saturation is unknown until this moment and then they requested significant information through other investigations that were carried out immediately.
My answer. And the truth. The others. The XIX charge, the.
The of the is the State categorically denied the categorically not that.
Versus change.
That these are missiles that could be under this circumstance and that. 2 engineers participated in this research. We will refer to them later.
I don’t enjoy the. With the dream.
In a, in a telegram that I received, there was a description of the incident that I experienced.
Then 9 and 7. The experience. United, Sixty Seven.
In that year 1967. And then I publicly declared that this incident occurred at the same time as the UFO sightings in other places. Yes they refer to the diagram.
The Oscar the Sun show.
Shows the location of where the Oscar and ECO facilities are located. I was wrong at the beginning.
I do if you who? The first after.
Because the memories that I have and in the investigations.
Do not forget.
First, first I was not in service in echo. During that incident I was in the Oz control tower. And this occurred on March 24, 1967 and I then realized that 2 separate incidents had occurred 8 days apart.
Disney Channel.
On March 24, 1967, he was on duty as he was, as a commander.
Forest offenders.
And our facility was located about 100 miles from the city of Great Falls, Montana. Here’s a drawing, I think I have, I think I have a somewhat visual drawing, it shows me the location of the capsule. Harden under Ground 60 ft. Under you.
I think so, but oh well. He argued that They said, give me your control.
That we had all the equipment to control the missiles and there was no missile control above the ground. So there was no possible way to deceive or.
Oh I hate you pure from his eyes, do you want it love?
OO of or of Trick what was happening above.
Lex emerges.
The next image we show is the launch facilities, where you can even see where it is controlled. It is a capsule that is underground.
Television, the.
The front door of this one. From this installation the capsule takes. In the following picture you can see the launch installation. Please pay attention to the missile cover and all the way up.
Twenty TEN Object.
You will see a 20 t object that. Which generally. They move on rails during launch and we’ll talk about this later. Finally, during our 24-hour shift we were isolated from the rest of the facility staff, there was the security staff at ground level who were there for any security issue. The flight controller was along with the Security Guard.
I am Fidel. The egg. To yours.
And they were good. Everything, all the staff at our place, our operating staff at least one of them was totally alert during everything, our entire shift, sometimes during that afternoon, while I was in charge, some were sleeping.
Operation Crow. Well, I can come back later.
Of eyes.
For him he said.
Some of the people upstairs reported very calmly that they had seen lights in the sky flying over our facility and that they were doing unusual maneuvers such as flying too fast to get completely airborne, doing and doing 90° reverse turns without doing anything. noise.
Subway to download. I call it Xbox Live. Should you gather? Coming Soon.
Without having wings and without appearance, without having any control device, something that seemed to be something like a ship.
The one who hits the best, expects nothing new. Perfect bottom. Song of.
So, well, at that time I didn’t care much about the lights in the sky either, but after a short period he received the second call from the guard and this time he was very upset and scared. He was yelling into the phone, yelling mind you and when I could I got there. I saw that there was a blue and orange object that was circulating.
The bulls. It’s very young. José for.
Above the main door it was oval in shape, but it was different, as if looking at it po
r the because of the brightness of the light. It was a pulsating light, the guards had their weapons pointed at that object and wanted to know what they had to do. At first I was amazed by this report, but I certainly found it.
Direct on Wall to wall the shoop. Standby payments. Rashford, the creative and series. Pathology, Whatever Action.
Incredible and very serious, I told the security guards that we had to secure the facility.
Has to.
And we didn’t have to make sure that there was no harm to any of the guards and that everything remained intact. I spoke to my commander, Lieutenant Freddys Gold, to inform him about these calls before he could speak, we heard a siren.
And pork speak with The Doors.
A shrill siren that said that.
It’s a little bit in your mouth. I want to offend.
That the missiles had been disabled. And then everything lit up in seconds. At that time, the 10 missiles.
This file. And why not.
They became, not non-operational.
We saw, he indicates, we see indicators not of the lights of the other missile installations.
Archives are not Watch Sol. You, EH?
We saw the status. One of the automatic systems we had. To determine the cause of these failures and all status reports were identical. The system failed.
The coach. Howard’s candy was a winner for the four situation.
We posted a report, went back to the guard above to determine his status and the status of the guard, who had been injured. And he said. That the object had retreated at a high speed.
Let’s see.
And the officers at 2:00, missile facilities.
When you want to get there.
They also also talked about the entry and reported the same object objects.
Hey xk sell.
That they were hanging around, that they were instructed to return to our facilities and they lost contact with the main guard.
Then decisions. Water has worked. They used to be.
Then they came back and said the same thing happened on another flight. At that moment I remember thinking that I was thinking about another, another, on another flight the same thing happened and many years later.
I’m play White.
I understood that it had also happened in League of light 5 8 days before. The echo freighter, similar to the Oscar Flight of March 16, 1967, retired Colonel Walter Finger was in charge.
By 616. Something that. Google Now, Richard Walker Kidman the.
And early that morning all the missiles were disabled.
In his. Me, obviously.
And the same thing had happened at the BROOKLYN facilities.
Wayforward you throw him out.
They gave me his testimony on an audio tape. These were also the results, also a failure of guidance and control, and then the copyright incident was from Classic TV, classified in 1994 and I was able to see some.
I am on the disk. United Nations Food in the city of Pasto.
Moments where the air force spoke about that incident.
Oh me, well.
Under under a disclosure law.
Right, bedtime script. Turnover.
So, after these 111 tests were carried out for the systems called Logic Capone, where they reported a series of failures in the missile guidance system.
The fourth sendokai MAGIC champions. Again civilians outside in the series sock with which he got. The signs of his.
Through an electrical signal that broke the system and caused the missile to be disabled, the report says that in the team’s opinion.
Records, beg receipt. The important things depending on time. I thought it was dissolved.
It was that the external signals caused them to go off, that is, the unidentified objects were sending a signal.
The penetration.
Individual at 60 ft. Of concrete.
Good and.
Where. Where a signal was sent to a party.
Compels within.
Of the missile, where the insurance in seconds were left.
It doesn’t matter. What happens sometimes? Very good.
The truth is that the possibility of this is very remote.
I believe in White Refused.
Because this would not have been possible in the air with a difference of 10.
I don’t, no.
Secondly, I am convinced that no human technology before or now could have caused this.
Come one. Spanish football.
He emphasized that there was no permanent damage to any of the missile systems during incidents. These these 2 incidents were neither the first nor the only ones where UFOs disabled Hd missiles not nuclear missiles in ’96 in North.
IM not coming back anymore. The curious. In their. 100 times. God they are.
10 missiles were disabled for the same reason, control failure. There were witnesses to that event who were able to talk about these events and afterwards with a difference of 6 months.
Can you Messenger me? Script, network CARDS.
Many more missiles.
The events, the space with me.
From the United States they were deactivated. The testimonies of Mr. Sandrelli and YY
mine were presented this year.
Long live this, this video is useless. Okay, guys.
AA the United States Office, in charge of unidentified events.
Let’s see.
Now now are historical documents about. About these unidentified events and no agency.
Yeah, Now You.
He has publicly acknowledged these events. Although there have been a substantial number of similar incidents which I will describe in my book.
Worldwatch ready.
These two refer to nuclear weapons and other types of encounters.
But there is no. The United Sixty Four.
In 1905 64 Lieutenant Robert Jacobs.
Better the check. A kiss.
He was able to record, he was able to record some.
Oliverio, I’m here, rest.
Something he described in his own words, we can see the video.
Silent. What a joy?
Please can you turn up the volume.
It’s like him.
How did it go?
We see what is happening at that point.
And that where you are happy. The seventh and the frame.
And suddenly, in this painting we see an object that is hunting, that is hunting at the same speed, shoots a beam of light. And then the object shoots another beam of light around. And then he leaves the same place where he arrived.
The Angel.
In 1968, I observed the military base in North Dakota. The staff watched, watched as a UFO landed on a facility where there were missiles. I’m going to show you an image about these launch facilities and here and here you can see the description of the object.
There is no quality of chrysaor.
It was seen. 2 segments connected by something that looks like a tunnel. Or a tube. Other than that the object was bright orange. Almost like the color of lava, there was already a greenish color. The tube was silver in color.
Killshot School. At night.
In 1000, November 1967 there was also in Holland. They were observed as there was also near a base, here is an image.
And them. In January, lunch. Good good.
Of that objective.
In the Next Day, from Sargent School.
And the next day this object. He flew, he flew slowly at a low altitude.
He whistled for 2.
Dozens saw it, there were many witnesses and the witnesses spoke publicly and said that.
Well well. The answer is January once Catalan.
They said that nuclear weapons were probably stored at this base. Why nuclear weapons? The next 2 graphs? Ah, well, it also refers to the first atomic project, they show.
The show the night. Sexy, you know?
That in 1967. Approximately 47,000 bombs of this nuclear weapons were available.
Or Free Dance. Oh Today, the night.
Today there are 9 nations in possession of nuclear weapons. And my. And 10.
I don’t know emails.
And there is a maximum of 60,000. Of 60,000, around the middle of the eighties. From the, from the belief in the arms race.
The present within the USA. Can you give me his?
Hey, tea.
Well, we have created weapons. To ensure destruction, mm.
That just like.
To ensure that no nation attacks us with nuclear weapons, this has resulted in a policy that increases the rest of the war, because everyone wants to have their nuclear weapons.
You, Gloria.
The risk is the world, it is at great risk thanks to nuclear weapons. When as soon as there is a nuclear war or a military dispute.
Post nuclear Power.
Sexy Fuck Weapons.
In the powers that be, those with the most nuclear weapons have more than 147,000. Nuclear warheads, not talking about. Hussein also threatened India with deployment.
The weapons basics.
And they also developed more bases for these weapons.
I don’t know. I can not write.
UFOs can also be confused as drones, as armed drones. And so. The attacks also on Pakistan, speaking of the nuclear bases that are also in the hands of terrorist organizations, Russia and Ukraine have been at war for 1 year.
Russia is.
Russia has said publicly that they are determined to use it.
Another definition.
Tactical nuclear weapons I will end quickly as long as those 9 nations and others have the ability to threaten, they increase.
How is the virus on Twitter?
The risk that, thanks to wars, nuclear weapons, there will be a war and what we want is to eliminate this threat.
After freezing one hand.
Thanks to thanks to the to the to the testimonials. Can we talk about this nuclear weapons thing? We can attest that in these events they did not want to destroy these weapons, but rather. These weapons can destroy civilization in a war. So the message they wanted to give and emphasize is that we must destroy weapons, not create them, if we want to continue living as a species.
Put on YouTube WordPress. Whose unequal that you teach wolf is species. The other one doesn’t. No, I was.
In the United States, the existence of UFOs has been officially recognized and we can dedicate efforts.
More pokemon. I mean. Miguel Verger. Oh God.
How beautiful.
AA abolish nuclear weapons worldwide thank you for this opportunity and thank you for this pres

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