The Mexican Alien Corpses

  • The Mexican alien corpses have sparked a lot of interest and speculation.
  • The bodies were presented at a congressional hearing in Mexico, claiming to be 700 and 1800 years old.
  • The corpses had three fingers on each hand and elongated heads.

“The existence or non-existence of aliens is one such mystery it has stumped us for decades.”

Mexican Scientists Study the Corpses

  • Mexican doctors carried out lab tests and extensively studied the alien corpses.
  • Dr. Jose De Jesus, a forensic doctor with the Mexican Navy, led the tests.
  • The scientists found no evidence of assembly or manipulation of the skeletal structures.
  • One of the bodies was intact, alive, and possibly in gestation, with large lumps in the abdomen that could have been eggs.

“The scientists also said that one of the bodies was alive, was intact, and was also in gestation. He says there were some large lumps inside the alleged alien’s abdomen, which he says could have been eggs.”

Skepticism from the Rest of the World

  • Many scientists, including experts at NASA, are skeptical of Mexico’s claims.
  • NASA’s unidentified aerial phenomena team chair expressed doubts and recommended further study.
  • NASA released a report on unidentified aerial phenomena, emphasizing the need for rigorous evidence-based approach.

“Not really… Many scientists are still skeptical about Mexico’s assertion… NASA is not buying Mexico’s claims and… they made the corpses available for further study.” “The search for UFOs Demands a rigorous evidence-based approach.”

Increase in UFO Reports

  • The revelation of the Mexican alien corpses has intensified discussions and reports about aliens and UFOs.
  • Throughout the year, there have been numerous reports on the topic.
  • Whistleblowers testified before the U.S Congress about unidentified aerial phenomena.
  • American pilots claimed to have shot down unidentified flying objects.
  • China also claimed to have spotted a UFO.

“The alien corpses unveiled in Mexico may or may not be real, but the conversation around aliens and UFOs has clearly picked pace… Are the U.S, China, and Mexico the only countries that aliens have visited or want to visit?” “Why aren’t such sightings made in say a Nepal Sri Lanka or Bangladesh?”

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