Morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Clifford Stone, I was a sergeant first class United States Army. I had a secret clearance with nuclear surety. I could get the clearance that I needed to do whatever it was necessary for me to do at the time on special operations when I was called in on those.

What I’m referring to here is that I was involved in situations where we actually did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were bodies involved with some of these crashes and also some were alive. While we were doing all this, we were telling the American public there was nothing to it. We were telling the world there was nothing to it.

I’d like to go into detail on some of the cases about the nuts and bolts cases right here. But I will be available if you have any questions concerning my involvement in this, you can talk to Dr. Greer to arrange for me to get to talk to you. But the whole situation is, we have setback, we’ve told the American people that there’s no such thing as UFOs. I’ve been involved where we have recovered these objects, we know them to be of extraterrestrials.

In 1969, I had an event that happened to me while I was stationed at Fort Lee Virginia. We went to Indiantown Gap Pennsylvania that would be my first exposure to any time that we would be recovering an unidentified flying object. When we went there, we already had people that were in the facility with a backup team which was supposed to be NBC because there were supposed to be some nuclear materials that were on board this craft.

Later on, most people involved were told that there was nothing on board. It was nothing more than to crash at one of our aircraft. I know better because I was one of the people that approached it with a Geiger counter to get surface readings. I was the first person to go ahead and see that there were bodies on it that would be the first of approximately 12 events.

UFO crashes are not events that take place every day. They’re rare. I know we’re not alone in the universe. I know that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, it’s evidence that has been denied to the American people. I stand before you today and my Almighty God, and I tell you this: if the Congress calls me in and says: ‘Will you testify in detail what you know?’ I stand here today prepared and ready to do just that, governments must never lie to the people for no reason. Thank you.”

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